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UoNCC's (Almost) Complete Guide to Enjoying the Festive Season

Christmas for many people is an exciting time of year. With a break from uni and so much festive fun to get involved in, it's easy to get overwhelmed. So here are some top tips from the UoNCC and wider cycling community to help you enjoy the time off.

(Disclaimer: we aim to spread positivity and put a smile on some peoples faces, for a more serious note scroll to the bottom of the post)

Women's Captain, Laura Owler:

-Don't panic about January exams. Make a managable revision plan with plenty of breaks and time to relax

-Don't feel bad about curling up by the fire and enjoying some seasonal drinks (doesn't have to be alcohol! Think hot chocolate and lattes)

-Treat yourself however you want. Extra time in bed, more cafe stops, baths with bath bombs, scented candles, etc

Vice President, Katie Butterworth:

-Meet up and spend time with friends and family

-Take revision breaks! These could include cycling ;)

Track Captain, Tilly Gurney:

-Enjoy Christmas dinner!

-Practice your happy face for when you don't get that shiny new TT bike

- If you love it enjoy it! I always look forward to the extra Bailey's over christmas

Welfare Sec, Phil Evans:

- Don't feel pressured to please everyone just because you haven't been home in a while, take time for you

-Doing festive 500? It doesn't have to be 500km it could be 500 cafes #adaptovercomesuceed

Road Captain, Emily Walton:

-Take the chance to say yes to new things, like carol singing!

-Take some time out from training to ride with new friends and explore new places

-Be mindful of other peoples feelings and your own. It's ok to not be ok but talk if you need to

BC Cycling Coach, Heidi Blunden:

-Find some space for yourself

El Presidente, Sam YEETS:

-Limits are made to be broken. The only limits are the ones you put on yourself. I once ate 24 mini mince pies in one serving, aiming for 24 large ones next year

General Sec, Alice MacArthur:

-Enjoy yourself! I ate an entire chocolate log last year followed up with a 3 hour nap #noregrets


-I sometimes use riding my bike to get some me time away from my family at Christmas. Don't feel guilty for needing some space

-Utilise the stress reliving powers of cycling! Wrap up warm and have some fun

Steady Captain, Rebecca Hyde:

-Spend as much time as possible with people you want to be with that you may not normally see


-Enjoy it!

-You don't have to go all out all the time but don't feel guilty for indulging every now and then

-Enjoy being with family and friends

-Trust in your body and know that a few days or weeks of relaxing won't harm your overall fitness. The rest may even help you bounce back stronger in the new year

Hope you enjoyed our Christmas tips and found some useful as well as having a bit of a laugh. We understand that Christmas can be tough for people, so remember you never have to suffer in silence. If you need a chat feel free to get in touch with any of our wonderful committee, we are all on facebook and our emails can all be found here:

For more advice check out these websites:






Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone,

UoNCC Committee

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